แปลเพลง Rainy Days - Alf Wardhana ความหมายเพลง

แปลเพลง Rainy Days - Alf Wardhana ความหมายเพลง

rainy days may come and go 
it splashes through the window 
I can listen to the colour and with you 
it's getting better 

look around it's subtle 
it washed away the gloom 
though it's not ours to settle 
let's get inside the room 
 มองไปรอบ ๆ มันบอบบาง

nobody told us it was the best time 
the bells chime and I'm knocking at your door 
don't talk about the destiny 
cause all we need is a small twinge of melancholy 

the silent breaks but it does so awfully
whispers can be heard 
but there's no single word 
ความเงียบงัน แต่มันแย่มาก

half drunk in blissfulness 
half drowned in our own tears 
through all our endless years

rainy days may come and go 
it splashes through the window 
I can listen to the colour 
and with you it's getting better 

look around it's subtle 
it washed away the gloom 
though it's not ours to settle 
let's get inside the room 
 มองไปรอบ ๆ มันบอบบาง

though you know you're the one who can save yourself 
the sun set and you're knocking at my door 
no hint of insecurities 
but then it leaves us with a small twinge of melancholy 

 the silent breaks but it does so awfully
whispers can be heard 
(but there's no single word) 
ความเงียบงัน แต่มันแย่มาก

half drunk in blissfulness 
half drowned in our own tears 
through all our endless years